
Frequently Asked Questions

You got questions? We have answers!

MMHF – while all men (young and old) should be catered for, there is a higher propensity for suicide at the 16-18 end and the over 60+ end.

We don’t have a focus on racial or ethnic as at the end of the day we are all men.

MMHF – yes, but as above, our focus is men’s suicide prevention and we are not taking a position
on sub-categories.

MMHF – Building and Construction is the sector that was originally earmarked, primarily as that is
where many suicides are happening (over  200 a year).

MMHF – As above, and good areas of focus. If we have a decision tree, it would run along the areas

  • men
  • areas of high suicide risk for prevention
  • as we will not be ‘operating services ourselves’,
  • the MMHF focus is creating ways to raise funds which we can distribute to either Tier 1 or Tier 2 ACNC nominated charities