Volunteering within the MMHF Bloke OpShops provides a strategic outcome through the involvement of males, and older males in particular, and their participation as volunteers in the MMHF Blokes OpShops,
The Blokes OpShops are also the public face of the MMHF. It is in these Bloke OpShops Volunteers (and volunteer staff) are expected predominantly to be males. This is most likely but not mandatory because the MMHF op-shops are simply Blokes OpShops selling men’s stuff – and not dresses and glass ware as is the case with most other op-shops where females are the predominant volunteering personnel and clientele.
As such men involved as volunteers in the Blokes OpShop retail outlets will do “worthwhile things” in a social male environment where there is a sense of purpose, and as a volunteer, doing a worthwhile “act of charity”. All of these things are good for men’s mental health and thereby the prevention of suicide.
Find out more by clicking on Volunteers to find out how to Apply to Volunteer Or Request a Copy of the MMHF Volunteer Policy Or Please click on Membership and complete the on-line MMHF Volunteer Application Form Or We can email the MMHF Volunteer Application Form to you if you simply email us anytime on info@mmhf.org.au